Monday, December 23, 2013

Is It Possible To Have A "Holly, Jolly Christmas?"

I love the holiday season. It's hard not to enjoy all the sights, sounds and smells. But, in the midst of all the celebrations, we tend to get overwhelmed, stressed and we throw caution to the wind. Here are a few simple guidelines that will help you maintain balance through the rest of the holidays.

1.  Eat Breakfast within the first hour after waking up.  This will help you start your day off right and kick start your metabolism.
2.  Make sure to include protein in every meal. This will keep you full longer and your heart healthy. Protein is also a building block of the body- muscle, bone, skin and blood are all made up of protein.
3.  Eat every couple of hours to keep your blood sugar stable.  This will keep you from binging on everything in sight.
4.  Drink water- LOTS OF WATER!  Water also aids in curbing your appetite as well as flushing toxins out of your body.
5. Make "me" time a priority. Take time to unwind by doing things that YOU find energizing. Go for a walk, try a new recipe, read a book- whatever makes you feel restored. Keeping stress levels low aids in weight loss and a happier you all around! 
6.  Get at least 8 hours of sleep.  By fully resting your body, you boost your immune system and have more energy.
7.  Be thankful!  Take time each day to think up a couple of things you are grateful for each day. This is the perfect time of you to practice gratitude. What a humbling season this is!
As crazy and hectic as this season may be, it will not undo you to take a week off from a strict fitness routine. Enjoy the holidays guilt free by practicing moderation and keeping these things in mind. I've had to take a few days off from exercising and have had to remind myself that it doesn't matter so much what I do this week, but rather the rest of the year.  I hope you all have a peaceful and merry Christmas!

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